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cesanta/mongoose-os mgos_sys_config.h mgos_sys_config.c api_config.js

A lot of the Mongose OS functionality is driven by the device configuration. For example, in order to make a device connected to the MQTT server, there is no need to write a single line of code. It is enough to modify mqtt.* configuration settings.

A configuration infrastructure is described in the user guide. Below is the programmatic API for the device configuration.


bool mgos_sys_config_save(const struct mgos_config *cfg, bool try_once,
                          char **msg);

Save config. Performs diff against defaults and only saves diffs. Reboot is required to reload the config. If try_once is set, the config will only take effect for one boot.

If return value is false, a message may be provided in *msg. If non-NULL, it must be free()d. It is safe to pass a NULL msg


bool mgos_sys_config_save_level(const struct mgos_config *cfg,
                                enum mgos_config_level level, bool try_once,
                                char **msg);

Saves given coonfig at the specified level. Performs diff against level-1.


bool mgos_sys_config_load_level(struct mgos_config *cfg,
                                enum mgos_config_level level);

Loads config up to and including level.


bool save_cfg(const struct mgos_config *cfg, char **msg);

Deprecated API, equivalent to mgos_sys_config_save(cfg, false, msg).


bool load_config_defaults(struct mgos_config *cfg);

Loads configs up to MGOS_CONFIG_LEVEL_USER - 1. Deprecated.


void mgos_config_reset(int level);

Reset config down to and including |level|. 0 - defaults, 1-8 - vendor levels, 9 - user. mgos_config_reset(MGOS_CONFIG_LEVEL_USER) will wipe user settings.


typedef bool (*mgos_config_validator_fn)(const struct mgos_config *cfg,
                                         char **msg);
void mgos_sys_config_register_validator(mgos_config_validator_fn fn);

Register a config validator. Validators will be invoked before saving config and if any of them returns false, config will not be saved. An error message may be *msg may be set to error message. Note: if non-NULL, *msg will be freed. Remember to use strdup and asprintf.


bool mgos_config_validate(const struct mgos_config *cfg, char **msg);

Run validators on the specified config.


void mgos_expand_mac_address_placeholders(char *str);

Expands question marks in "str" with digits from the MAC address.


bool mgos_config_apply(const char *sys_config_subset_json, bool save);

Apply a subset of system configuration. Return true on success.


bool mgos_config_apply_s(const struct mg_str, bool save);

Same as mgos_config_apply but uses mg_str


bool mgos_sys_config_parse_sub(const struct mg_str json, const char *section,
                               void *cfg);

Parse a subsection of sys config, e.g. just "spi". cfg must point to the subsection's struct. Example:

  struct mgos_config_spi cfg;
  const struct mg_str json_cfg = MG_MK_STR("{\"unit_no\": 1}");
  memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
  mgos_sys_config_parse_sub(json_cfg, "spi", cfg);




Get the config value by the configuration variable. Currently, only simple types are returned: strings, ints, booleans, doubles. Objects are not yet supported.


Cfg.get('');        // returns a string
Cfg.get('debug.level');      // returns an integer
Cfg.get('wifi.sta.enable');  // returns a boolean


Cfg.set(obj, opt_save)

Set the configuration. obj must be a subset of the whole configuation tree. save is boolean flag that indicating whether the change should be saved - it could be omitted, in which case it defaults to true. Examples:

Cfg.set({wifi: {ap: {enable: false}}});  // Disable WiFi AP mode
Cfg.set({debug: {level: 3}});            // Set debug level to 3
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