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mongoose-os-libs/dallas-rmt | DallasRmt.h | api_dallas_rmt.js |
The library uses the onewire-rmt
A pullup resistor (4.7k) must be connected between the data line of the sensor and Vcc.
#include <mgos.h>
#include "DallasRmt.h"
static DallasRmt* dallas = NULL;
static OnewireRmt* ow = NULL;
static int numDevices = 0;
static uint32_t readings = 0;
static void loop_onewire(void *arg)
(void) arg;
if (0 == numDevices) {
LOG(LL_WARN, ("No device found"));
bool wait = dallas->getWaitForConversion();
double start = mg_time();
double end = mg_time();
LOG(LL_WARN, ("wait=%d, conversionTime=%.2fms", wait, 1000.0 * (end - start)));
uint8_t deviceAddress[8];
for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i) {
float temp = dallas->getTempCByIndex(i);
dallas->getAddress(deviceAddress, i);
char buf[17];
char*p = buf;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
p += snprintf(p, sizeof (buf) - 2 * i, "%02x", deviceAddress[i]);
LOG(LL_WARN, ("index=%d, address=%s, temp=%.2f, reading=%d", i, buf, temp, readings));
extern "C"
enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void)
dallas = new DallasRmt();
ow = new OnewireRmt(13 /*pin*/, 0 /*rmt_rx*/, 1 /*rmt_tx*/);
numDevices = dallas->getDeviceCount();
mgos_set_timer(3000, 1, loop_onewire, NULL);
#include <mgos.h>
#include "mgos_dallas_rmt.h"
static DallasRmt* dallas = NULL;
static int numDevices = 0;
static uint32_t readings = 0;
static void readData() {
char deviceAddress[8];
for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i) {
float temp = mgos_dallas_rmt_get_tempc_by_index(dallas, i) / 100.0;
mgos_dallas_rmt_get_address(dallas, deviceAddress, i);
char buf[17];
char*p = buf;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
p += snprintf(p, sizeof (buf) - 2 * i, "%02x", deviceAddress[i]);
LOG(LL_WARN, ("index=%d, address=%s, temp=%.2f, reading=%d", i, buf, temp, readings));
static void owTimerCB(void * arg) {
static void loop_onewire(void *arg) {
(void) arg;
if (0 == numDevices) {
LOG(LL_WARN, ("No device found"));
bool wait = mgos_dallas_rmt_get_wait_for_conversion(dallas);
double start = mg_time();
double end = mg_time();
LOG(LL_WARN, ("wait=%d, conversionTime=%.2fms", wait, 1000.0 * (end - start)));
if (wait) {
} else {
mgos_set_timer(800, 0, owTimerCB, NULL);
enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void) {
OnewireRmt* ow = mgos_onewire_rmt_create(13 /*pin*/, 0 /*rmt_rx*/, 1 /*rmt_tx*/);
dallas = mgos_dallas_rmt_create(ow);
numDevices = mgos_dallas_rmt_get_device_count(dallas);
int resolution = mgos_dallas_rmt_get_global_resolution(dallas);
int16_t millis = mgos_dallas_rmt_millis_to_wait_for_conversion(dallas, resolution);
LOG(LL_WARN, ("resolution=%d, millis=%d", resolution, millis));
//mgos_dallas_rmt_set_wait_for_conversion(dallas, false);
mgos_set_timer(3000, 1, loop_onewire, NULL);
#### begin
void begin(void);
Initialises the bus
uint8_t getDeviceCount(void) {
return _devices;
Returns the number of devices found on the bus
bool validAddress(const uint8_t *);
Returns true if address is valid
bool validFamily(const uint8_t *deviceAddress);
Returns true if address is of the family of sensors the lib supports.
bool getAddress(uint8_t *deviceAddress, uint8_t index);
Finds an address at a given index on the bus
bool isConnected(const uint8_t *);
Attempts to determine if the device at the given address is connected to the bus
bool isConnected(const uint8_t *, uint8_t *);
Attempts to determine if the device at the given address is connected to the bus. Also allows for updating the read scratchpad
bool readScratchPad(const uint8_t *, uint8_t *);
Reads device's scratchpad
void writeScratchPad(const uint8_t *, const uint8_t *);
Writes device's scratchpad
bool readPowerSupply(const uint8_t *deviceAddress);
Reads device's power requirements
uint8_t getResolution() {
return _bitResolution;
* Returns the device's resolution: 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits
uint8_t getResolution(const uint8_t *deviceAddress);
Gets the global resolution
void setResolution(uint8_t);
Sets the global resolution to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits
bool setResolution(const uint8_t *, uint8_t,
bool skipGlobalBitResolutionCalculation = false);
Sets the resolution of a device to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits
void setWaitForConversion(bool value) {
_waitForConversion = value;
Sets/gets the value of the waitForConversion flag true : function requestTemperature() etc returns when conversion is ready false: function requestTemperature() etc returns immediately (USE WITH CARE!!) (1) programmer has to check if the needed delay has passed (2) but the application can do meaningful things in that time
void setCheckForConversion(bool value) {
_checkForConversion = value;
Sets/gets the checkForConversion flag sets the value of the checkForConversion flag true : function requestTemperature() etc will 'listen' to an IC to determine whether a conversion is complete false: function requestTemperature() etc will wait a set time (worst case scenario) for a conversion to complete
void requestTemperatures(void);
// sends command for one device to perform a temperature conversion by address
bool requestTemperaturesByAddress(const uint8_t *);
Sends command for all devices on the bus to perform a temperature conversion
bool requestTemperaturesByIndex(uint8_t);
Sends command for one device to perform a temperature conversion by index
int16_t getTemp(const uint8_t *);
Returns temperature raw value (12 bit integer of 1/128 degrees C)
float getTempC(const uint8_t *);
Returns temperature in degrees C
float getTempF(const uint8_t *);
Returns temperature in degrees F
float getTempCByIndex(uint8_t);
Get temperature for device index (slow)
float getTempFByIndex(uint8_t);
Get temperature for device index (slow)
bool isParasitePowerMode(void) {
return _parasite;
Returns true if the bus requires parasite power
bool isConversionComplete(void);
Is a conversion complete on the wire?
static float toFahrenheit(float);
Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit
static float toCelsius(float);
Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
static float rawToCelsius(int16_t);
Convert from raw to Celsius
static float rawToFahrenheit(int16_t);
Convert from raw to Fahrenheit
int16_t calculateTemperature(const uint8_t *, uint8_t *);
Reads scratchpad and returns the raw temperature
DallasRmt.create(pin, rmt_rx, rmt_tx)
Create and return an instance of the dallas temperature: an object with
methods described below.
- onewire pin number
- rx RMT channel
- tx RMT channel
let myDT = DallasRmt.create(12 /* onewire pin number */, 0 /*RMT rx channel*/, 1 /*RMT tx channel*/);
Close DallasRmt handle. Return value: none.
Initialise the sensor. Return value: none. begin: function () { return DallasRmt._begin(this.dt); },
Return the number of devices found on the bus. If an operaiton is failed, 0 is returned.
Check if given onewire addr
(8-byte string) is valid; returns 1 if it
is, or 0 otherwise.
Return 1 if onewire address addr
(8-byte string) is of the family of
sensors the lib supports. Return always 0 if an operaiton failed.
myDT.getAddress(addr, idx)
Find an onewire address at a given index idx
on the bus. Resulting
address is written into the provided string buffer addr
, which should
be 8 bytes lont.
Return value: 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.
let addr = myDT.createAddress;
let res = myDT.getAddress(addr, 0);
if (res === 1) {
print("found:", addr);
} else {
print("not found");
Determine if the device at the given onewire address (8-byte string) is connected to the bus. Return value: 1 if device is connected, 0 otherwise.
myDT.isConnectedWithScratchPad(addr, sp)
Determine if the device at the given onewire address (8-byte string) is connected to the bus, and if so, read the scratch pad to the provided buffer (9-byte string). Return value: 1 if device is connected (and a scratchpad is read), 0 otherwise. Example:
let sp = myDT.createScratchPad();
let res = myDT.isConnectedWithScratchPad("\x28\xff\x2b\x45\x4c\x04\x00\x10", sp);
if (res === 1) {
print("connected, scratchpad:", sp);
} else {
print("not connected");
myDT.readScratchPad(addr, sp)
Read device's scratchpad.
is a string buffer (minimum 9 bytes length) to read scratchpad
Return 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.
let sp = createScratchPad();
let res = myDT.readScratchPad("\x28\xff\x2b\x45\x4c\x04\x00\x10", sp);
if (res === 1) {
print("scratchpad:", sp);
} else {
print("failed to read scratchpad");
myDT.writeScratchPad(addr, sp)
Write device's scratchpad sp
(which should be a 9-byte string) by
the provided onewire address addr
(a 8-byte string).
Return value: none.
Read device's power requirements. Return 1 if device needs parasite power. Return always 0 if an operaiton failed.
Get global resolution in bits. Return value: 9, 10, 11 or 12. In case of a failure, returns 0.
Set global resolution res
in bits, which can be either 9, 10, 11, or
12. If given resolution is out of range, 9 bits is used.
Return value: none.
Get device's resolution in bits. Return value: 9, 10, 11 or 12. In case of a failure, returns 0.
myDT.setResolution(addr, res, skip)
Set resolution of a device with onewire address addr
to 9, 10, 11, or
12 bits. If given resolution is out of range, 9 bits is used.
Return 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.
Set/clear the waitForConversion flag. Return value: none.
Get the value of the waitForConversion flag: either 1 or 0. In case of a failure, return 0.
Set/clear the checkForConversion
Get the value of the checkForConversion
flag: either 1 or 0. In case
of a failure, return 0.
Send command for all devices on the bus to perform a temperature conversion.
Return value: 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.
Send command to a device with the given onewire address addr
perform a temperature conversion.
Return value: 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.
Send command to a device with the given index idx
to perform a
temperature conversion.
Return value: 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.
Return raw temperature value (12 bit integer of 1/128 degrees C)
in case of a failure.
Returns temperature in degrees C or
in case of a failure.
Returns temperature in degrees F or
in case of a failure.
Get temperature from the device with the given index idx
in degrees C,
in case of a failure.
Get temperature from the device with the given index idx
in degrees F,
in case of a failure.
Return 1 if the bus requires parasite power, 0 otherwise. In case of a failure return 0.
Return whether a conversion is completed.
Return number of milliseconds to wait until the conversion is completed
for the given resolution res
in bits (9, 10, 11 or 12).
In case of a failure, return 0.
Return device address addr
in the hex format.
Return an 8 bytes empty string to be used with *Address
Return an 9 bytes empty string to be used with ...ScratchPad