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mongoose-os-libs/vfs-common mgos_vfs.h    

VFS subsystem multiplexes calls to libc file API methods such as open, read, write and close between (potentially) several filesystems attached at different mount points.

A filesystem is backed by a device which supports block reads and writes.


#define MGOS_VFS_VFD_TO_FS_FD(vfd) ((vfd) &0xff)

Convert virtual fd to filesystem-specific fd


#define MMAP_NUM_MASK ((1 << MMAP_NUM_BITS) - 1)
#define MMAP_ADDR_MASK ((1 << MMAP_ADDR_BITS) - 1)

Platform-dependent header should define the following macros:

  • MMAP_BASE: base address for mmapped points; e.g. ((void *) 0x10000000)
  • MMAP_END: end address for mmapped points; e.g. ((void *) 0x20000000)

So with the example values given above, the range 0x10000000 - 0x20000000 is used for all mmapped areas. We need to partition it further, by choosing the optimal tradeoff between the max number of mmapped areas and the max size of the mmapped area. Within the example range, we have 28 bits, and we need to define two more macros which will define how these bits are used:

  • MMAP_ADDR_BITS: how many bits are used for the address within each mmapped area;
  • MMAP_NUM_BITS: how many bits are used for the number of mmapped area.


int mgos_vfs_mmap_descs_cnt(void);

Returns total number of allocated mmap descriptors (not all of them might be used at the moment)


struct mgos_vfs_mmap_desc *mgos_vfs_mmap_desc_get(int idx);
#endif /* CS_MMAP */

Returns mmap descriptor at the given index


bool mgos_vfs_fs_register_type(const char *type,
                               const struct mgos_vfs_fs_ops *ops);

Register fielsystem type and make it available for use in mkfs and mount.


bool mgos_vfs_mkfs(const char *dev_type, const char *dev_opts,
                   const char *fs_type, const char *fs_opts);

Create a filesystem. First a device is created with given type and options and then filesystem is created on it. Device and filesystem types must've been previosuly registered and options have device and filesystem-specific format and usually are JSON objects.


bool mgos_vfs_mkfs_dev(struct mgos_vfs_dev *dev, const char *fs_type,
                       const char *fs_opts);
bool mgos_vfs_mkfs_dev_name(const char *dev_name, const char *fs_type,
                            const char *fs_opts);

Create a filesystem on an existing device.


bool mgos_vfs_mount(const char *path, const char *dev_type,
                    const char *dev_opts, const char *fs_type,
                    const char *fs_opts);

Mount a filesystem. First a device is created with given type and options and then filesystem is mounted from it and attached to the VFS at a given path. Path must start with a "/" and consist of one component, e.g. "/mnt". Nested mounts are not currently supported, so "/mnt/foo" is not ok. Device and filesystem types must've been previosly registered and options have device and filesystem-specific format and usually are JSON objects. If device type is NULL, device will be probed for known FS types.


bool mgos_vfs_mount_dev_name(const char *path, const char *dev_name,
                             const char *fs_type, const char *fs_opts);

Mount a filesystem from an existing device.


bool mgos_vfs_umount(const char *path);

Unmount a previously mounted filesystem. Only filesystems with no open files can be unmounted.


void mgos_vfs_umount_all(void);

Unmount all the filesystems, regardless of open files. Done only on reboot.


size_t mgos_vfs_get_space_total(const char *path);

Get FS size of a file system at the specified mountpoint.


size_t mgos_vfs_get_space_free(const char *path);

Get free spece of a file system at the specified mountpoint.


bool mgos_vfs_gc(const char *path);

Perform GC of a filesystem at the specified mountpoint.


bool mgos_vfs_hal_mount(const char *path, struct mgos_vfs_fs *fs);

Platform implementation must ensure that paths prefixed with "path" are routed to "fs" and file descriptors are translated appropriately.


char *mgos_realpath(const char *path, char *resolved_path);

Clean up path, see realpath(3).


int mgos_vfs_open(const char *filename, int flags, int mode);
int mgos_vfs_close(int vfd);
ssize_t mgos_vfs_read(int vfd, void *dst, size_t len);
ssize_t mgos_vfs_write(int vfd, const void *src, size_t len);
int mgos_vfs_stat(const char *path, struct stat *st);
int mgos_vfs_fstat(int vfd, struct stat *st);
off_t mgos_vfs_lseek(int vfd, off_t offset, int whence);
int mgos_vfs_unlink(const char *path);
int mgos_vfs_rename(const char *src, const char *dst);
DIR *mgos_vfs_opendir(const char *path);
struct dirent *mgos_vfs_readdir(DIR *pdir);
int mgos_vfs_closedir(DIR *pdir);

libc API

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