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mongoose-os-libs/cron mgos_cron.h    


This library implement cron core functionality. See also: crontab.

This library supports classic cron expressions with additional field for the seconds, plus a few extras. We'll get back to the extras later, let's start with regular cron expressions.

Classic cron expressions.

Each expression contains 6 fields:

  • seconds, 0-59
  • minutes, 0-59
  • hours, 0-23
  • day of month, 1-31
  • month, 1-12 or JAN-DEC
  • day of week 0-6 or SUN-SAT

Each field can contain multiple values separated with commas, and/or ranges determined by the beginning of the range, a hyphen, and the ending of the range. For example, for the day of week, it could be MON-THU,SAT

A slash can be used to specify intervals: e.g. */5 in seconds field means "every 5 seconds".

Each field can contain an asterisk * which means "any value".


  • */15 * 1-4 * * * : Run every 15 seconds from 1 to 4 hours;
  • 0 */2 1-4 * * * : Run every two minutes from 1 to 4 hours;
  • 0 0 7 * * MON-FRI : Run at 7:00 every working day;
  • 0 30 23 30 * * : Run at 23:30 every 30th day of month.

Randomized cron expressions

It's possible to specify the time range in which a job will run certain number of times.

For example, this:

@random:{"from":"10 * * * * *", "to":"50 * * * * *", "number":5}

means that the cron job will be fired in between of 10 and 50 seconds of every minute, and the total number of invocations in that 40-second time window will be approximately 5. It's not guaranteed to be exactly 5 though: might be a bit less or more.

Another example: approximately 10 invocations in between of 08:00 and 22:00 on working days:

@random:{"from":"0 0 8 * * MON-FRI", "to":"0 0 22 * * MON-FRI", "number":10}

Note that the timeout between from and to should always be the same. For example, this would make no sense:

@random:{"from":"0 0 8 * * MON-FRI", "to":"0 0 22 * * *", "number":10}

Currently these cases are not checked yet, so the above expression will just result in incorrect behavior.


Finally, instead of specifying exact time with the first three fields (seconds, minutes, hours) one could use @sunrise / @sunset, plus optional offset like +2h45m or -1.5h.

For that to work, the device needs to have latitude/longtitude and timezone configured.


  • @sunrise * * MON-FRI : Run at the sunrise on working days;
  • @sunset-1h30m 1 * * : Run 1.5 hours before the sunset every 1th day of month;
  • @sunset * * * : Run at the sunset every day

As a shortcut for the last case, when all fields are *, these fields can be omitted. Thus, more valid examples:

  • @sunrise
  • @sunset
  • @sunset+3h

This library implements cron core functionality.


typedef void (*mgos_cron_callback_t)(void *user_data, mgos_cron_id_t id);

Cron callback signature; user_data is a pointer given to mgos_cron_add(), and id is the id of the corresponding cron job.


mgos_cron_id_t mgos_cron_add(const char *expr, mgos_cron_callback_t cb,
                             void *user_data);

Adds cron entry with the expression expr (a null-terminated string, should be no longer that 256 bytes) and cb as a callback. user_data is an arbitrary pointer which will be passed to cb. Returns cron ID.


time_t mgos_cron_get_next_invocation(mgos_cron_id_t id, time_t date);

Calculate the next fire date after the specified date.


bool mgos_cron_is_expr_valid(const char *expr, const char **perr);

Returns whether the given string is a valid cron expression or not. In case of an error, if perr is not NULL, *perr is set to an error message; it should NOT be freed by the caller.


void *mgos_cron_get_user_data(mgos_cron_id_t id);

Returns user data pointer associated with the given cron job id.


void mgos_cron_remove(mgos_cron_id_t id);

Removes cron entry with a given cron ID.

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