Advanced Guide - JS

In this section we are going to implement the same functionality as in the previous section, but using JavaScript instead of C/C++. Also, we learn how to export custom C/C++ functions into JavaScript.

Please refer to the previous section on how to connect the DHT sensor.

Clone template project

To clone the template project, repeat the same steps as in the previous section:

git clone my-app
Cloning into 'my-app'...
remote: Counting objects: 68, done.
remote: Total 68 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 68
Unpacking objects: 100% (68/68), done.
cd my-app

Add necessary libraries

In the previous step, we added DHT library. Do that, and also add mJS library to enable JavaScript support. Open mos.yml file in your favorite editor and add support for DHT sensor and JavaScript:

  - origin:
  - origin:
  - origin:
  - origin:
  - origin:  # <-- Add this line!
  - origin:  # <-- Add this line!

Create custom configuration section

Same as in the previous section, add custom config setting by editing mos.yml:

 - ["app", "o", {title: "My app custom settings"}]
 - ["", "i", 5, {title: "GPIO pin a sensor is attached to"}]

Write device logic

Create fs/init.js file with the following content (see MG-RPC JS API reference):


let pin = Cfg.get('');
let dht = DHT.create(pin, DHT.DHT22);

Timer.set(1000, true, function() {
  print('Temperature:', dht.getTemp());
}, null);

RPC.addHandler('Temp.Read', function(args) {
  return { value: dht.getTemp() };

Tip: keep variable and function declaration names under 5 characters or less to minimise JavaScript memory usage. mJS uses double type to hold values. Valid double hold numbers, and NaN values hold other types. 2 bytes out of 8 are used for type indication, and the rest 6 bytes are used for payload which depends on type. Short strings that are 5 chars or less + terminating \0 are stored directly in the NaN payload. Longer strings are stored in a special buffer, and NaN payload stores a pointer to that buffer. Therefore, strings of length 5 and less take no extra memory in mJS.

Build and test the final app

Build and flash the app:

mos build --arch esp8266 && mos flash

And now, call the device's RPC service:

mos call Temp.Read
{"value": 18.6}

Export custom function

mJS JavaScript engine, which is used by Mongoose OS, allows to export C/C++ functions directly into JavaScript via the FFI (foreign function interface) mechanism. Let's show how it is done.

Edit src/main.c file and add my_func() function there:

int my_func(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;

Note: if you want to export a C++ function, make sure it is declared as extern "C". Add the following snippet in fs/init.js:

  let f = ffi('int my_func(int, int)');
  print('Calling C my_func:', f(1,2));

Rebuild, flash, test the app:

mos build --arch esp8266 && mos flash && mos console
[Aug  9 09:02:05.399] mgos_init            Init done, RAM: 52680 total, 44404 free, 44288 min free
[Aug  9 09:02:05.753] Calling C my_func: 3

How FFI calls are implemented

This is how it is done:

  • During the build phase, Mongoose OS toolchain scans all JavaScript files present in the project.
  • All ffi(...) JavaScript calls are collected in one list, and build/gen/ffi_exports.c file is generated with the signatures of C functions that JavaScript code intends to call.
  • A mgos_dlsym() function is auto-generated that returns the address of the C function by its name, which makes ffi() call possible.

The mos build command has created build directory. Open build/gen/ffi_exports.c file and notice a line with my_func:

const struct mgos_ffi_export ffi_exports[] = {
  {"my_func", my_func},

To summarise, this section demonstrates how to use JavaScript API, libraries, and how to export custom C functions.

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